Summer reading 2006

Saturday, July 15, 2006

I bought two new Lisa Wingate books for my birthday (via gift card someone sent me). My collection is complete until her next book comes out ;) I'll be reading them while we are away. And I plan to knit too. On a baby blanket and a baby sweater and a hat for my son and other random things. Yay.

Friday, July 14, 2006

I've read three more books. The Friendship Test by Elizabeth Noble and He's Got To Go by Sheila O'Flanagan and Bundle Of Joy by Ariella Papa

I tried to read The Bitch Posse, and I feel bad for this since she is a momwriter, but I really am not enjoying it at all. Can't get into it. I know lots of people like it though so it seems i'm on my own with that. It's going back not read all the way through - life is too short to waste it on books that you don't enjoy. There are so many others out there, after all!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

If you pop in here, or if you've been following along, you may have noticed a few things about me and my reading habits.

1.I prefer light, fun, reads to the serious stuff.
2.I DO choose books by their cover, and I don't always complete a book - if it bores me I don't bother with it. Many more out there to entertain!
3. I read a lot. I will read all day then quickly do the things that need to be done around here, or vice-versa do the things very quickly so I can read. I like to read.

Finished another one Suburbanistas by pamela satran

It was a fun read. In addition to the three sisters thing, I like books where there is a strong strong friendship.

Now i'm going back to add links to some books I jotted down last week before returning them to the library! You may have noticed i'm trying to record these others as I finish.

I took the Suburbanistas Quiz and answered mostly B's - YOU'RE A SUBURBANITE, NOT A SUBURBANISTA. You're a suburban-dweller in the style of our parents, clueless about the new Suburbanista ways. Square, sure, but you're probably more relaxed than an entire yoga studio full of Suburbanistas.

Friday, July 07, 2006

I think I mentioned my books from the library? Anyway. I read one yesterday, again couldn't put it down. Perfect summer reading. Chick Lit. Red dress ink even :P


It was really good. I do like the whole three sisters thing though, and a boyfriend gone through them all is an interesting concept. You would think the ex would be off limits, right ?! I wouldn't know from personal experience though. One thing that bothered me was the author pushed the new new new thing ten slacked off on tat for awhile to where it wasn't done so obviously, then picked it back up. I would have preffered more consistancy in the writing.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I read another book this morning. Yes, the sink IS full of (neglected) dishes, why do you ask? But yeah the book. was good. couldn't put it down. It's one i've had for awhile, picked it up at half price books months ago. But I hadn't read it till this morning when I wanted to read SOMETHING while hanging out with the boys who were playing a game. It is really good, I love stories about women, families, women from different generations reconnecting are great - and thats basically what this is about. With a secondary plot of a romance. I'm already imagining in my head what happens with that next.

Family Resemblance pages = 250

This brings me to 8 books, and I'm halfway through with number nine. I got a stack of books from the library today. Fun.

Monday, July 03, 2006

i didnt read a lot for about a week (slowly a little here, a little there) then finished 3 books in 3 days.

and this is why i dont do reading things mostly. i am gonna read books anyway. i couldn't not read. i couldn't stay away from books. ever.

library this week, as this is it from my last trip.

i'm heading to bed but since i'll likely forget to record these before i return them here are the books i read :

lady luck's map of vegas by barbara samuel < Loved how this one switched beetween viewpoints of mother and daughter. I loved how the mom telling her daughter about her life pre-kids was woven in too.

any place i hang my hat by susan isaacs

bergdorf blondes by someoneorother

another bookie related thing. lisa wingate has a new book. i have 2 of hers i need to get now. i enjoy her books, reading and rereading them. things i collect : lisa wingate books, babysitters club books, pregnancy/birth books.